Merchant of Tennis caught up with Bianca Andreescu to discuss how she is enjoying playing professional events, as well as, junior tournaments!  

Here is what she had to say.

Q: When did you start playing tennis?

I started playing tennis at the age of 6. 

Q: When and how did you decide that you wanted to make a playing tennis your career?

In 2014, I won Le Petite As and that was the moment that I decided to make tennis my career. It helped me understand how great the life of a professional tennis player is. 

Bianca competing at Le Petit As in 2014

Q: What do you miss the most while you are traveling and playing tennis on tour?

What I miss the most while on tour is hanging out with my friends and being with my family because most of the time they do not travel with me. 

Q: How would you describe you tennis game?

I consider myself an aggressive baseliner, who likes to finish points at the net. 

Bianca competing in 2015.

Q: What do you feel has helped you take your game to the next level?

I believe that my hard work, commitment and determination are all reasons for my success. I also very thankful for the team that I have around me as they help me very much. 

Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of so far in your young career?

I am extremely proud of all my accomplishments, but there are a few that do stand out. In 2014 I wont Le Petit As and had the opportunity to represent Canada in the Czech Republic for the ITF World Junior Tennis. In 2015 I had also represented Canada in the Junior Fed Cup in Madrid and also won the U18 Orange Bowl.  

Q: What are you aspirations and goals for this year?

I want to stay injury free, keep improving my game and win a Junior Grand Slam. 

Bianca competing at the Australian Open

Speed Round

Tennis Idol?
Roger Federer
Forehand or Backhand?
Fitness or Practice?
Hard or Clay Court?
Clay Court
Favourite tournament? Grand Slams
Favourite Canadian Sports Team? Toronto Raptors
Ice Cream or Cake? Cake
Favourite cuisine? Italian and French
How many languages do you speak? English and Romanian 
Hot or Cold Vacation? Hot


Shop the Bianca Andreescu Collection

Be sure to follow Bianca on Twitter and Instagram to see how she is doing. You can also follow Merchant of Tennis for up-to-date information about the newest tennis gear and specials. 


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